From Bandila to CXO!

Written by
Michael Sia
March 6, 2024

As an agency, we initially focused on delivering top-notch marketing services to our clients. However, deep inside, we knew we wanted to offer something more impactful and meaningful.

Over time, I noticed that I and the team were becoming emotionally invested in the success of our partners. Our dedication went beyond the realm of marketing as we found ourselves helping them strategize and navigate their overall business growth. It felt like we were becoming more integrated into their executive team, helping them make decisions and not just delivering services. It became apparent that small, scaling businesses needed more than just marketing support; they required leadership and guidance in areas where they couldn't afford full-time expertise.

When planning to adjust our services towards this path, we considered making minor adjustments to the Bandila brand. Nothing crazy; maybe a website redesign and a change of colors...But as we delved into discussions and openly discusses our vision for the future, we had a realization. We needed to embrace the vision fully and dive in head-first into this idea.

And so, we retired the Bandila Studios name and rebranded ourselves as CXO Business Solutions.

We're adding fractional C-Suite leadership and fully operational marketing, strategy, HR and finance departments into growing businesses. Through our expertise in marketing and strategy (and soon HR and Finance), we help our partners grow out of the "Chief Everything Officer" role into a true Chief Executive Officer.

The transition from Bandila Studios to CXO signifies our unwavering commitment to constantly evolve and meet the changing needs of business owners. It's an exciting chapter for us, and we are excited to use our fractional business departments to help busy business owners scale for long term growth.

Check out our website and follow us on social media as we begin this new chapter!

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