Michael Sia

I’m Michael! CXO’s CEO and your Fractional Chief Marketing Officer.

As CEO, my main role is to assess the health of our Partner’s businesses, identifying current or potential limitations and supporting them with the appropriate fractional departments from the CXO team.

As your fractional CMO, my job is to find the best way to communicate their brand to their audience. I work closely with you as a partner to understand their vision, assess their position against their competition, and develop a strategy to reach their customers through the most effective marketing channels. I then turn to my marketing team to support the plan with their design expertise!

CXO was originally a design agency, and with 5 years of experience growing the business, the CMO role is a natural fit for me.

I’m super excited for everyone to introduce the rest of our team and how we are helping the busy business owner succeed in 2024!

Michael Sia

Founder & Chief Marketing Officer